(770) 864-9179

BLOG / How to Sell Your Used IT Equipment in Atlanta

November 8, 2023

How to Sell Your Used IT Equipment in Atlanta

  At TeleTraders, we believe that selling your used IT equipment should not be a painful process, so we have honed the steps to get you from receiving a quote to getting your check. We aim to provide you with a competitive and fair value for your old office equipment. In this blog, we will walk you through each step, from making a list of your gear to obtaining a check in the mail. Please don’t hesitate to Contact Us or Call Us Today!

What type of used IT equipment do we buy in Atlanta?

The simple answer is just about anything and everything! Does your IT equipment still have usable life in it? Whether this means it’s available for immediate resell now or needs refurbishing, we are always available to work with you to identify the best course of action to turn your old IT hardware into a net profit for your business. Our professional team of buyers and technicians stand by to work with you Today. We will help you make a return on your original investment and also possibly offset any upgrade costs with new IT office hardware that your business requires to stay competitive.

Common types of used IT equipment that we purchase in Atlanta:

As you can see, TeleTraders is buying a vast array of used IT equipment in the Atlanta area.

Everything starts with a free quote

To get you from the starting line to receiving a check in the mail, you will want to identify the used IT equipment you want to sell to TeleTraders. This is the most essential step on your end as it allows us to accurately and efficiently identify the total value of your equipment.

Follow the steps below to get started Today!

1. Create a list of the equipment that you want to sell that includes the following:

      • Brand
      • Quantity of each item
      • Part numbers
      • Item Condition

2. Take photos of your equipment

3. Head over to our Free Online Quote Tool

If you have additional questions, feel free to call us directly to speak with a qualified buyer who can help you out Great! Now that we have the hard part out of the way let’s go over what you can expect from TeleTraders leading up to getting a check into your hands as soon as possible.

Evaluation of your used IT equipment list

Now that TeleTraders has your list and photos, our qualified buyers will put together an initial offer so you know how much money you can get for your used IT office equipment. We will go over each line item and evaluate it based on the model, quantity, and condition of the gear. Once we finish this process, we will send you a fair and competitive quote to help you understand how much money you can expect for your used IT office hardware. Once you have time to review the purchase offer, we will proceed to the next stage: setting up a pick-up by our licensed and insured technicians, or we can have your team send the equipment directly to our Atlanta facility. Again, let us know what works best for your office.

Send your equipment to TeleTraders or schedule a pickup

We understand that your business is busy and that the packaging and shipping of used IT gear can seem like a hassle sometimes. For this reason, we offer many ways for you to get the used IT equipment to our Atlanta facility so we can start the technical auditing process.
  1. TeleTraders can help you pack up the equipment and take it directly to our Atlanta facility*
  2. We can schedule a simple pick-up and return it to our Atlanta facility.*
  3. You can package and ship the equipment directly to our Atlanta facility for free.
*Some options may reduce the overall return you make on the used IT equipment

We perform a full audit of your equipment

Now that we have your equipment back at our Atlanta facility, our certified techs will perform a complete audit of each component. We will do our very best to ensure that every device gets a fair shake so we can continue to offer you the best value. After the audit, we will update the offer to account for the quality and condition of your gear. This means the offer can be better or, depending on the condition, it could be lower. No matter what, you’ll get a competitive valuation that we believe will make your business happy.

You get paid!

Hooray! After you accept the updated offer, we will send you a check! If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to Contact Us or give us a Call Today.

About the Editorial Staff

The Editorial Staff at TeleTraders, led by IT asset expert Clay Beckham and his seasoned team, boasts over 15 years of industry experience in IT asset management, secure IT asset disposal, and technology solutions. Founded in 2010, TeleTraders quickly became a trusted source of IT expertise. The team at TeleTraders demonstrates its commitment to excellence, spending countless hours each day handling a wide spectrum of IT equipment, spanning from intricate networking gear to precision barcode scanners. Our team strives to transfer our hands on knowledge into resources for IT professionals in businesses of any size.

Get a free quote for your IT assets & equipment!

TeleTraders wants to buy your used IT assets. Get a free quote today!